Minitheory started out in 2012 by Mike and Jun. In the early days, it was one person to a few projects and half-a-desk which was an "office". Three years on, we're now 10 strong, with a team from all over the world!
It's been a whirlwind journey in the past 3 years, as we grew from two to ten, from small projects lasting a couple of weeks, to huge projects lasting almost a year! In figuring out how to do good design, we've tried many different approaches and techniques. Some were great ideas, most were average and, yes, we've had the occasional Really Bad Idea (oops!).
When we started out, we were grateful to all the people who shared their knowledge on the internet and over coffees -- now it's time to pay it forward. We'll share some practical tips that our clients and our peers will be able to use. Feel free to call us out if you ever find any fluff on this blog.
As we gear up for the exciting journey ahead, we want to remind ourselves of who we are and remember how it started. Most of all, we hope that you'll get to know us better through the blog – what we stand for as a studio and as individual designers.
Published by: minitheory in Updates